

New Video and Blog

Good Morning! While rummaging around at the Fiskateers message board, I came across this video, and that lead me to this blog. Both are worth a look. The video is the same notebook we just made, but in a smaller version and she used the magnets for her closure, that I tried to find. They are made by Basic Gray. Her website is full of fun ideas, so take a minute to have a look.


Check this out!

You've all heard me talk about the Fiskateers and how much I enjoy the people I've gotten to know there. One of my friends, Deborah, has a really fun blog and she asked me to be a guest designer. So, if you're curious to know a little more, stop by If It's Groovy and take a look at Deborah's blog. Her art is always full of fun and color and I know you will enjoy your visit.


Our Last Class / 12-21-2010

For our last class, we will create these fun notebooks from file folders. They make great organizers for your shopping, or dress them up for a hostess gift!



Check out this background technique. It is so simple, it's almost embarrassing to call it a class. But don't hesitate to join us because I'll be sharing the folds, scores and tricks to making this fun "French Door" card too!


Create Your Own Matchbox Giftbox!

I stumbled across this cute advent calendar this morning and thought I'd pass it along. It's the perfect time of year to create a few of these matchboxes for gifts and trinkets. Visit the blog eWillow.com and scroll down the page a little. You'll see links for the templates and instructions. No problem creating these boxes without the diecut, so go for it!


Check Out This Video

Since we only have one more month of classes, I thought I would go ahead and start posting some of the ideas I have found that we won't be doing in class. As I promised, I will post links, ideas, and samples here, but I cannot promise a schedule.

I know many of you do not spend much time on your computers, so now and then I may throw in a tip or simple instruction to help you learn. If you choose to "follow" this blog, you will be emailed a note whenever I post something new. You can also post comments and questions to the blog itself and I will answer as often as possible. The great thing about a blog is that anyone reading the blog can also offer ideas and answer questions. So let's get going.

I have learned so much from a variety of blogs and websites. One of my top 10 is Jennifer McQuire's blog. If you're like me and you love the added shimmer of Perfect Pearls and Pearl X, you'll want to watch this video she made for Two Peas In A Bucket web site. Jennifer is all about ink and she demonstrates several ideas for using those lucious powders. Click here to watch the video.


11-02-2010 Snow Globes

Another fun card for Christmas. Snow Globes!!!


11-02-2010 Stencils

This week we will explore the many, many ways to use a stencil. Be sure to check your email for the items you need to bring.


10/19/2010 Rubbing Alcohol!

This week we will play with ink and alcohol. That's right, rubbing alcohol, to create fun and colorful backgrounds.


10/05/2010 It's Time for Halloween!

We'll be using a couple of different techniques to create fun and spooky cards for Halloween. Be sure to read your email for the details.



These adorable dimensional cards can be as much fun to receive as the present! Come give it a try!


09-07-2010 It's been too long since we last played with our alcohol inks, and that's just what we will do this Tuesday, Sept. 7th. There is a list of supplies you will need so be sure to read the email.


Want a chance to win lots of paper and maybe a really cute stamp? Visit the site below and help "A thousand sheets of paper blog" celebrate!



Aug 17, 2010


Tuesday August 3, 2010

We will create cards that "pop" this week, using a variety of mediums. Check your email for details.


July 20, 2010
I can't wait to show you this extreme twist on acrylic resist. You'll want to bring a few extra tools to class, so be sure to read your email for details.


July 6, 2010

Using our favorite solid stamps, quality colored pencils, and our secret ingredient, we'll see and feel the magic!


June 15, 2010

Like the look of old fashioned wall paper? Give this background technique a try next Tuesday. There are lots of options, so be sure to check your email for details.


Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Another chance to play with alcohol inks. Create these simple jewels in the color of your choosing. Be sure to read your email for the extras you will need to bring to class.


Tuesday, May 18th

Are you ready for more flowers??? This picture is just a sample of what's in store for this Tuesday. We'll make as many different designs as we can during class time (11:00 to Noon) then you can design your cards or make more flowers during our last half hour. Don't worry, I'll have instructions and web site links for all of them, even if we don't master the techniques needed in class.


Tuesday Class / May 4, 2010

April Showers Brings May Flowers
We've certainly had our share of rain this month, so what better way to celebrate than to learn a couple of new flower tricks this May. On the 4th, you will try your hand at my Cupcake Flowers. There will also be a second, simple flower to learn, just for the fun of it.


Tuesday 4-20-10

A little alcohol ink, mixed with tissue paper, and what fun results.

Join us, get a little dirty, and learn a lot.


Tuesday, 04-06-2010

Try stamping on wood for a "wood burning" effect, at our next class on April 6th, 2010. I'm sorry the pictures don't really show the true effect of this great new wood paper. If you get the chance to stop by Pages in Progress, you can see a sample of the wood paper displayed
on an end cap near the counter.


Tuesday Class 03-16-10
Another chance to play with fun foam, this time experimenting with the effect of different foam colors, stamp choices, and yes, finger painting.


Thanks for visiting our Technique Tuesday Blog. Technique Tuesday is what I call our group of paper crafters that meet twice a month at Pages in Progress in Tucson AZ (one of our local scrapbook stores) to learn a new technique. I've created this blog so I can post pictures and/or instructions for upcoming or past classes. All comments to the postings will need to be reviewed before they will be posted.