

Colored Core Cardstock

I know we played with white core paper many times and I always love the effects of embossing and sanding, along with so many other ways to use this kind of paper.  Most of you have probably seen the paper that came out a couple of years ago called "Core 'dinations".  It was one color on one side and another for the core and other side.  Like dark pink on light (almost white) pink.  It works the same way, allowing different colors to come through when you tear or sand it.  

So how many of you have seen the new Core 'dinations coming out next week at CHA?  They have 6 new lines coming out and they are pretty cool.  I know already I am going to love this new line of paper.  But the main reason for my post is to give your their website.  There are 8 or 10 very short videos with ideas on how to play with their paper.  If you have time, watch them all because you might pick up a new idea or two.  Have fun!



Add a Button to Your Bow

Here's a fun idea, add a button to the center of your bow
for added dimension.

Check out this quick video from Gina K Designs for more detail.


Onion Envelope

I've been planning to post a couple of things this past week and time keeps getting away.  But the good news is I've been making great headway getting my house back in order.

Scrapbook and Cards Today has a pretty nice blog with some really great project ideas.  Today, I found this one called an "Onion Envelope".  The name is because this fun card, mini scrapbook, has so many layers and I can't wait to try it.  Here is the link to Scrapbook and Cards Today where you can find detailed instructions.  Have fun and post a comment if you give this a try and let me know where to see a picture of your finished card.

On another note, I've been playing a little bit too.  Here is a card I made using an odd assortment of supplies.  The picture isn't great; it distorts the color a bit, but Billie (my dog) had so much fun holding this card up for the picture, I didn't have the heart to take another one.  It's a bit hard to tell, but I tilted the entire front of the card so more of the base black would show, then I used a copper metallic rub to distress the edges of the black cardstock.